Clean Desk Policy in SAC SSB 2023

Well, this year’s SSB contest was the grand debut of my shiny, new SE0X shack! I set a daring goal for myself: to outshine my high score from way back in 2013. So, did I reach for the stars, and what’s the scoop on the hot, new “clean desk policy” in the shack? Buckle up because I’m dishing out all the juicy details in this blog post!
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CQWW SSB 2021 – The 11 Months Cycle

Talk aobout getting lucky with the sun! CQWW CW in 2020 was fun due to the first bigger solar flux peak in quite some time. Now, 11 months later another peak with almost the same magnitude strikes right on cue for CQWW SSB. An this spike really provided some high band action. Come on, read my notes about CQWW SSB now! Read more ›

Axtorp 160/80 Vertical with Baltic Sea Ground

Axtorp 160/80 VerticalAfter years of using home-brew verticals for Topband it was time for change. In preparation for the contest season 2018-2019 I installed a new vertical for 80 and 160 meter, the commercially produced “Axtorp”. This is a linear loaded vertical from Lannabo Radio, the HF antenna specialist on the Swedish west coast. It stretches 18 meter in physical height, but linear loading makes it electrically longer, almost a 1/2 wave on 80 meter. Having very limited space for radials on ground, I decided to use the Baltic Sea water as ground. Did it work? Keep reading to find out. Read more ›

CQWW CW 2020 Update

Great fun, but not a full-time effort this year in CQWW CW. You might really wonder why… and I do too! Considering this was the contest where the sun woke up after its long over due sleep I should have been on for 48 hours! But other things got in the way and I early on decided to make this a 24-hour effort. Read more ›