DD1MAT Guest Op in WPX SSB

Nick DD1MAT will guest operate SE0X in CQWPX SSB this year. Niko will be entering the contest in Single Operator High Power Single Band 80 meter category. Preparations has been ongoing for more than a week and everything is ready for the fun filled prefix hunt this weekend. GL and look for SE0X on 80

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Multi-One Low Power in WPX SSB

WPX SSB a year ago, in 2014, was a success for SE0X. Propagation was fabulous and we where able to set a new SM record in the Multi-Two category. This year we wanted to try something new and decided to enter in Multi-One Low Power where there presently is no Swedish record. Reaching the current

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CQ WPX CW Update

In preparation for the WPX CW contest decided to adopt last year’s strategy of going non-stop for the first 24 hours. Using the same plan I would try to improve my 2012 result in Single Operator, High Power, Assisted. I also was curious to see how the new 15 meter 5 element mono would help me

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15 meter shines in WPX CW

CQ WPX CW is a favorite contest of mine and this year propagation made 15 meter the highlight. The contest started with a small disaster, but then it turned around to be a great weekend. The tactic chosen was to do operate 24 hours non-stop in the first part of the contest, then do the

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