SDR Fun in IARU HF Championship

As the 2018 IARU HF Championship was chosen as the arena for WRTC activity was high this summer contest weekend. I decided to kick out the K3/TS-590 combo and go all SDR in SO2R configuration. Propagation was also helpful, especially on low bands. Read the full writeup of the IARU HF Championship weekend at SE0X here.

Nice Surprise in the Mail

This morning a nice surprise appeared in the mail. It seems like I had the highest combined CW + SSB score in SOAB HP Unassisted in the Scandinavian Activity Contest (SAC). Not an official category, but very nice plack för the wall. Thanks to the sponsor SM3EVR Tord Julander!

CQ160 SSB = Filters and Patience

  CQ160 SSB is one of the most challenging phone contests. With thousands of operators sharing the narrow 160 meter band good filters and a lot of patience is crucial to survive this weekend while producing a respectable score. SM0MDG and SM0MLZ teamed up and logged on via remote to SE0X with the goal of

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CQ 160 CW Soapbox

CQ 160 is one of my favourite contests. The goal this year was set to break the SM record in SO-HP Assisted. In addition I also wanted to beat my own score from 2010 in SO-HP (unassisted). Reasonably well prepared, somewhat rested and with the gear in shape I was ready to take on the

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Keeping your competition on a distance

This is a grim example how to keep your competition on a distance! I won’t mention calls, but this screenshot is from the IARU HF contest this past weekend and this is a HQ station. If you look closely to the waterfall display you notice the splatter lines at least 30 kHz down.

Multi-One Low Power in WPX SSB

WPX SSB a year ago, in 2014, was a success for SE0X. Propagation was fabulous and we where able to set a new SM record in the Multi-Two category. This year we wanted to try something new and decided to enter in Multi-One Low Power where there presently is no Swedish record. Reaching the current

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