7SØX in CQWW 160 SSB

SM0MDG Björn, SM0MLZ Patrik and SM0NOR Ulf was active Saturday in CQWW 160 SSB. This was no effort to contest, but a chance get together to make plans for WPX and to test some equipment. All corners of EU was heard and worked, but very few DX came through the wall of noise. The exceptions where

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CQWW 160 CW – Pure fun!

What a fun contest weekend! I was really looking forward to the CQWW 160 CW contest as topband is my favorite band, and what a great fun weekend it became. I entered the contest in category A single operator high power, but was initially tempted to re-enter in assisted mode and use the cluster as the band

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CQWW CW claimed score

Below is the claimed score of SEØX in CQWW CW, but first a proper contest meal 🙂 Claimed score: ARRL-SECTION: DX CALLSIGN: SE0X CONTEST: CQ-WW-CW CATEGORY: SINGLE-OP-ASSISTED HIGH CW CLAIMED-SCORE: 663060 OPERATORS: SM0MDG 73 de Björn