The “X-Team” consisting of Vincent F4BKV, Björn SMØMDG, Patrik SMØMLZ and Ulf SMØNOR will be active in the upcoming ARRL DX SSB Contest as TMØX the first weekend of March. The location will be Vincent’s station at the French Atlantic Coast. The last weekend of March the “X-Team” will be active in the WPX SSB
The 7SØX team had a fantastic weekend in the CQ WPX SSB contest. Our aim was to defend the #1 SM Multi-Op Single TX HP position from last year and in addition we also wanted to improve our score from 2009 to make us more competitive on a European level. The team of four operators,
Look for 7SØX being active from the SEØX contest station this weekend in the CQ WPX SSB contest. F4BKV Vincent, SMØMDG Björn, SMØMLZ Patrik and SMØNOR Ulf will be defending last years #1 SM position in the Multi Op Single TX category, but the ultimate goal is to improve the overall EU ranking. CU in
It is time to summarize another contest weekend as ARRL International DX SSB Contest has come to an end. This time we packed our stuff and went to SM0MLZ Patrik’s station SGØX we entered in the Multi-Op Single-TX category. Due to some initial computer struggle (thanks to Winoze 7) we started about one hour late. This
Team “X-men” with SMØMDG Björn (also SEØX), SMØMLZ Patrik (also SGØX), SMØNOR Ulf (also SFØX) and SMØUXX Erik (mr X!) will be active in the ARRL International DX Contest SSB this weekend. We will enter in the Mutil OP Single TX category with the call SGØX. Hopefully we will be able to get the 40
The Multi Op Single TX effort by SM0MDG, SM0MLZ, SM0NOR, SM0UXX and SM5VFE in CQ WPX 2009 resulted in the #1 SM position according to the official results released by CQ magazine. Check the scores here or read the article here. Read the story from 7S0X in WPX 2009 here. See the award here. Click
A team with SMØMDG Björn, SMØMLZ Patrik, SMØNOR Ulf, SMØUXX Erik and SM3VFE Loic was active in WPX SSB 2009 competing in class muli-one. Preparations involved a lot of antenna work and Friday night greeted us with a snow storm while rolling out two 100 meter long BOGs and laying out radials for the 80 and 160
SM0MDG Björn, SM0MLZ Patrik and SM0NOR Ulf was active Saturday in CQWW 160 SSB. This was no effort to contest, but a chance get together to make plans for WPX and to test some equipment. All corners of EU was heard and worked, but very few DX came through the wall of noise. The exceptions where