CQWW CW 2020 Update

Great fun, but not a full-time effort this year in CQWW CW. You might really wonder why… and I do too! Considering this was the contest where the sun woke up after its long over due sleep I should have been on for 48 hours! But other things got in the way and I early

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CQWW-CW: Close but no cigar

Here is the quick summary of the single operator marathon of the year, CQWW CW. Propagation was nice with some good DX on Ten meter and also a few surprises on low bands. I recently replaced my 40 meter array and have a new 160 meter vertical in the air, both working great in the contest. Being

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TF3W – SM/TF Team breaks Zone 40 record in CQWW SSB

Endless rates on 10 and 15 meter, antenna repairs in the rain and way too little sleep. The four operator team consisting of Björn SM0MDG, Patrik SM0MLZ, Ulf SM0NOR and our Icelandic host Jón TF3ZA broke the Multi Operator/Single Station Zone 40 record in CQWW SSB 2012. Entering a major Contest from Iceland was an

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CQWW CW Summary

Less action but higher score in CQWW CW, how is that possible? The answer is in the summary below, keep reading. Being prepared and well rested is crucial to be successful in any contest. Good propagation can help, but it can also be very selective. This year I was not fully prepared, definitely not well

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X-Team @ TF3W in CQWW SSB

X-Team members SM0MDG, SM0MLZ and SM0NOR have been invited to the ÍRA, Icelandic Radio Amateur Club in Reykjavik, and will team up with TF3ZA to be active in the CQWW SSB 2012 Contest using the TF3W call. The team plan to enter in the Multi Operator Single Transmitter category and preparations have already started. In addition to the

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Happy New Year!

Once again its time to pop the cork of a bottle of chilled Dom Pérignon and celebrate another fun year at SEØX, and what a year it’s been! 2011 was the year when the sun finally got back into the game and once again fuelling fantastic propagation paths on high bands. For me 2011 started

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