The “X-Team” consisting of Vincent F4BKV, Björn SMØMDG, Patrik SMØMLZ and Ulf SMØNOR will be active in the upcoming ARRL DX SSB Contest as TMØX the first weekend of March. The location will be Vincent’s station at the French Atlantic Coast. The last weekend of March the “X-Team” will be active in the WPX SSB
I had not planned for a serious effort, just a little fun in CQ 160 SSB contest this weekend. And fun was exactly what was provided, together with some snow to clear at the station! I decided to operate only for a few hours which finally ended up at a total of 12 hours casual
In CQWW 160 CW this year the goal was to improve my score and to try to be competitive with the multi-op contest stations ranking top 3 in SM last year. Unfortunately band was not as “hot and willing” as it was a year ago. I guess the best TB season during this bottom of