CQWW SSB Results
The past weekend’s major contest event, CQWW SSB 2009, charged all bands with activity (plus QRM) and put gear and operators to the test. SEØX was active in SOAB-HP operated by me, SMØMDG, and it was indeed a fun weekend with very little sleep.
Just in time for the contest the SEØX Topband vertical had been upgraded and this in combination with decent openings on higher bands a few days before the event raised my expectations to the maximun.
Saturday provided lots of action on 10 meters with some nice DXCCs logged including HS, 9M6, UN, A7, 4X, 4L, YC, 9K2, ZS, 3DA, CN, 6V, 6W and PY. Later Saturday night I had a fine run on 160 meters logging 221 contacts non-stop at a rate of 105 per hour in heavy QRM, which propelled Topband to the second most active band. On Sunday it was 15 meter’s turn to shine, it really became “the new 20” with a fantastic opening to NA after midday. As always, 20 meters provided the biggest number of contacts, but this time it was 15 meter where the most countries where worked.

CQWW SSB 2009 Score Card
At the end of the contest I had been active for 35 hours logging almost 2.000 contacts (including a hand full of dupes), 353 countries and 95 Zones, resulting in a claimed score of 1.240.960 points. The average rate was 56 contacts per hour.
I am already looking forward to CQWW CW November 28-29.
73 de Björn, SMØMDG