Another CQWW Record Broken!

Results are out and the High Power Single Band 160 meter SM record was broken by SE0X in CQWW CW 2018. In addition SE0X ranked #4 in Europe and #7 World.
CQWW is a DX contest, but to be competitive it’s more about rate than distance. In any case it was nice to get a few of the more distant calls logged. KH6AT and CX6VM are both more than 11.000 km away from SE0X. Not record breaking in any way, but nice considering the contest QRM. The new Axtorp linear loaded vertical with my “floating radials” worked just fine.

The 12 year old SM record was broken with a small margin, less than 2000 point made the difference. A total of 1076 contacts and 90 multipliers where worked by SM0MDG in a little less than 26 hours in this single band Topband effort.
CQWW 2018 CW was challenging but fun. Thanks to everyone in the log, 73 de SM0MDG!