WPX CW summary
Better late than never, here is a short summary of the WPX CW Contest where I entered in the SOHP Assisted category. In this contest the 10 meter band was cooking with Es and this band provided lots of contacts and multipliers for a change.
As the topband season has ended and the topband vertical is in storage, 40 meters was the band I focused at when not on 10 or 20 meters. 15 and 80 meters also provided many contacts but fewer multipliers, so they had to take a back seat this time.
Another goal of this contest was to test CW Skimmer with the SDR-IQ receiver and feed discovered spots to the N1MM band maps. This worked really well and I was surprised what kind of signals Skimmer was able to decode just using the SDR and a Clifton Labs active antenna. Some really nice DX spots where passed on to the band map.
The contest ended with 1272 contacts worked with 619 prefixes resulting in a final claimed score of 1.419.367 points. 40 meters provided most points but 10 meter was just two contacts behind which is a good evidence of the excellent Es.
CU in the IARU HF World Championship 2010 July 10-11, but before that I will be active from Flannan Isles EU-118 together with an international team as MS0INT.