CQWW SSB Results

    The past weekend’s major contest event, CQWW SSB 2009, charged all bands with activity (plus QRM) and put gear and operators to the test. SEØX was active in SOAB-HP operated by me, SMØMDG, and it was indeed a fun weekend with very little sleep. Just in time for the contest the SEØX Topband

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SEØX active in CQWW SSB 2009

SEØX will be active in CQWW SSB this weekend. SMØMDG Björn will be competing in the Single Operator High All Band category. A new 160 meter vertical antenna is ready for action and the 10 meter band has been open the past days, so expect to log me on all bands. CU in the Contest! 73

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CQWW CW claimed score

Below is the claimed score of SEØX in CQWW CW, but first a proper contest meal 🙂 Claimed score: ARRL-SECTION: DX CALLSIGN: SE0X CONTEST: CQ-WW-CW CATEGORY: SINGLE-OP-ASSISTED HIGH CW CLAIMED-SCORE: 663060 OPERATORS: SM0MDG 73 de Björn