CQ WW CW was a blast!

The propagation outlook for CQ WW CW was really promising with the recent improvement of solar acitivity, and the sun provided for a lot of action on higher bands while the aurora stayed calm enough to allow for low bands to perform. SMØMDG was operating with the SEØX in Single Operator, High Power category in

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Look for the “X-team” to be active in CQWW from SM0MLZ’s station SG0X in CQWW this weekend. The category will be M2 and preparation are already in progress with a new phased array for 80 meters being installed for the contest. Operators will be Patrik SM0MLZ/SG0X, Björn SM0MDG/SE0X, Ulf SM0NOR/SF0X, Erik SM0UXX/SD0X and Loic SM3VFE.

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CQWW CW 2010 Claimed Score

SMØMDG Björn was active from SEØX in the CQWW CW Contest working 2118 unique contacts in 39 hours of non-assisted activity. Propagation on lower bands was good but as usual 20 meters provided the most points and 15 meters supplied the most country multipliers. Only 22 contacts where logged on 10 meters but 40 meters

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SEØX in CQWW CW This Weekend!

SEØX will be activated by me, SM0MDG, in the CQWW CW Contest this weekend. I will be entering in the SO-HP non assisted category with the goal to improve the scores from last year. The new 40 meter vertical phased array will be put to the test, but I will be on all bands. GL

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SMØMDG Björn will be active in the CQWW SSB Contest this weekend from CQ3L together with DJ6QT Walter and DJ6KS Knut. We will enter in Multi-Op Single-Station and DJ8OG Matthias will use the other station CR3L in a Single-Op effort. 73 and GL in the Contest!

CQ WW CW Results

I need sleep, lots of sleep… after 33 hours of decoding CW it is time to lean back, recover and reload to get ready for the ARRL 160 meter contest next weekend. But first lets summarize WW DX CW 2009. No sun spots and shorter daylight hours led to lower propagation and less action on

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SEØX active in CQWW CW

Again it is time to fire up the station at SEØX to be active in CQWW CW this weekend. I will be competing in the Single Operator High All Band category. Antennas for all bands are operational and special attention will be paid to the 160, 15 and 10 meter bands. CU in the Contest this

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