SAC CW Summary
The 2010 edition of the SAC CW Contest was fun as usual. Apart from being a race between teams and individual operators the SAC Contest is also a contest between the Scandinavian countries. I entered in the SO-HP category using the SE0X call.
My personal goal for this contest was to beat last years result and log at least 200 contacts more than the 1.098 logged in the 2009 SAC CW Contest. Another goal was also to sleep less than last year, preferably only 1-2 hours to get the most out of the lower bands.
The start went well and the speed held up good through the afternoon. Both 20 and 15 meter provided multipliers and contacts, but it was clear that the higher bands where not in top shape. In the evening 20 and 40 provided lots of action and later also 80 meters added to the scores including some nice DX contacts. Only a hand full of contacts where collected on 10 meter around 15:00 UTC and a few more during Sunday.
After a little more than 19 hours of operation the contest ended with 1.370 contacts logged and a claimed score of 547.578 points.

SAC CW 2010 Score Card
Thanks to everyone in the log. Congratulations to the following stations who worked me on all five bands; R3/SM6LRR, R3CM, RM5D, RO3DX, RW2L, RW3XM, RW4PL, RZ3AXX, UA3DQK, UA3LID, and to the DX stations worked me on four bands (80-15m); AA3B, JA6CGE, K1AR, K1GQ, N6AR, RK9JWV, UA9JLL, UN6P, VA1CHP, VE9DX.
73 de Björn, SM0MDG