Results from the SAC SSB Contest
The second part, the SSB portion of the SAC (Scandinavian Activity Contest) 2009 has ended. SMØMDG operated SEØX in the SOAB-HP category logging a total of 1.000 stations in 20 hours of operation.
There was no opening at all on 10 meter but there were many fun contacts made on all other bands including some really nice DX on 40 and 80 meter and a few good openings on 15 meter. As usual 20 meter contributed to the biggest number of points thanks to lot of activity and many multipliers available, but also 40 meter had a lot of multiples in store compared to last weekend.

SAC SSB 2009 Score Card
The claimed score is 376 488 points and you can see how this compare with others at the brand new official SAC website at
Thanks to the organisers for a fun contest!