Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge is one of the few contest where distance worked translates to scores. This together with the challenge of digging stations out of the noise is what makes 160 meter contests attractive to me. Here is the update from te 2019 edition of the “pre-Stew” contest.
SAC, Scandinavian Activity Contest, is the yearly contest when Scandinavian hams are in the center of the contest community’s attention. For many operators, especially of smaller stations, this is the contest where they get a chance to run more that search and pounce for points. Here is a quick update on the SAC contest efforts.
With the rise of FT8 I was getting curious to explore VHF propagation. Last summer I installed a 144 MHz transverter from HA1YA and a Big Wheel omni directional horizontal antenna. It turned out pretty well, but why stop at dipping your feet. What did I do next to improve performance on 144 MHz? 🙂
Wow! This is something completely new in contesting! I see a lot of potential for the World Wide Digi DX Contest to lead development of the future of contesting. With the fast pace of development in digital modes and the rise of live scoring, radiosport has the potential to be attractive as an e-sport to
Results are out and the High Power Single Band 160 meter SM record was broken by SE0X in CQWW CW 2018. In addition SE0X ranked #4 in Europe and #7 World.
Nick DD1MAT will guest operate SE0X in CQWPX SSB this year. Niko will be entering the contest in Single Operator High Power Single Band 80 meter category. Preparations has been ongoing for more than a week and everything is ready for the fun filled prefix hunt this weekend. GL and look for SE0X on 80
CQ160 SSB is always a struggle in QRM. It really puts your filters and patience to the test, no surprise there. My plan was to break the old SM record and to break-in a new hardware controller called the Stream Deck. But first…
Getting ready for CQ160 SSB this weekend by upgrading the remote shack with a better way to control RX antennas and other remotely switched functions at SE0X. Introducing the Stream Deck, a very useful gadget from the gaming community!
Shame on me! I haven’t updated the blog in a while, so here we go. I have several soap box notes prepared from the major contests this season. Lets start with CQ-160 CW.
2018 has been a rather slow year at SE0X with limited activity due to family and work commitments. Therefor it feels great that the few efforts are paying off! The results of CQ-160 and CQ-WPX brought the excitement levels up right in time for the contest season.