SEØX will be activated by me, SM0MDG, in the CQWW CW Contest this weekend. I will be entering in the SO-HP non assisted category with the goal to improve the scores from last year. The new 40 meter vertical phased array will be put to the test, but I will be on all bands. GL
SEØX won the Swedish Single Operator High Power category award in both the SSB and CW portion of the 2009 CQ World Wide Contest. Diplomas are now posted at the virtual awards wall, head over there now cause we’re pretty proud! 73 de Björn, SMØMDG
A two element 40 meter vertical array has been installed at SEØX this weekend. The array is built using fibre glass poles and the two verticals are facing North America with the intention to improve DX scores in contests. The Comtek PVS 40 phasing system is used which allows for endfire patterns in NW or SE
Elecraft recently announced that they are adding an Audio Peaking Filter (APF) to the K3 transceiver. The DSP APF filter is modeled to perform like analog APF filters such as the praised one found in early Yaesu FT-1000D transceivers. The filter is easiest described as the opposite of a notch filer as it applies gain