A total of 8194 contacts where made from Eilean Mor, Flannan Isles (EU-118) this past weekend by the MSØINT team. Operators where EA3NT Christian, EA2TA George, F4BKV Vincent , IZ7ATN Simon, SMØMDG Björn, and team leader MMØNDX Col. More information on the MSØINT websitbe.
In a Pan-European project, SMØMDG Bjørn, EA3NT Christian, EA2TA George, F4BKV Vincent , IZ7ATN Simon and leader MMØNDX Col will be active from the remote North Atlantic island group of the Flannans 20 miles north west of the Outer Hebrides. Activated in 1989, 1995, 1999 and 2002, the mysterious Flannan Isles are certainly a much needed but extremely difficult to access IOTA. Full
Better late than never, here is a short summary of the WPX CW Contest where I entered in the SOHP Assisted category. In this contest the 10 meter band was cooking with Es and this band provided lots of contacts and multipliers for a change. As the topband season has ended and the topband vertical