About SEØX
SE0X is a Swedish contest station located in the Stockholm area. The station and operates with the calls SE0X and 7S0X and is active in most of the major contests.

3-el Stepp with 5-el 15m OP-DES on top at SEØX tower
SE0X is equipped with a 3 element SteppIR, a 5 element OP-DES yagi for 15 meter, a 2-element phased array for 40 meter and top loaded verticals for 80 and 160 meter. The main radio is an Elecraft K3 but a Kenwood TS-590S is also in service. Since 2011 the station is wired for M/2 or SO2R operation.
During winter the station is also used for low band operation and SM0MDG is often active on Topband from SE0X using a top loaded vertical antenna and several Pennant listening loops.
SE0X also operates an off-site CW Skimmer receiver always monitoring the six contest bands. Click SKIMMER @ SE0X on the menu to learn more.
To reduce the impact on the environment SE0X (and 7S0X) only confirm contacts using LoTW.
GL in the Contest / 73 de SM0MDG